The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Why Installing Epoxy Flooring in Your Restaurant Kitchen Is a Good Idea

by Jimmy Soto

When renovating the kitchen of your restaurant, flooring is among the critical aspects you might forget. The flooring you install in your restaurant kitchen can influence the efficiency your staff would experience when working. With numerous flooring options in the market today, you might not know which would be the most efficient for your restaurant kitchen. However, installing epoxy flooring would be a great idea for your restaurant. Besides creating a conducive commercial environment, an epoxy floor would motivate the chefs and other workers to be productive. Here's why having an epoxy flooring coating in your restaurant's kitchen is a brilliant idea.

Keeping It Clean Won't Be Difficult

A commercial space doesn't just need flooring that is easy to install but also one that's easy to clean. No matter how careful your chefs try to be, spills will still be inevitable in your restaurant kitchen. Spills don't just make the flooring look unsightly, but they also stain the floors. Most restaurants install epoxy flooring in their kitchens because they are porous—meaning the spills can't easily damage or stain the floor. Cleaning the spills on the epoxy flooring is a simple task, and keeping it in good shape isn't expensive.

The Flooring 'Arrests' Slips

Your restaurant kitchen won't be safe for your staff if its flooring can't resist slips. Most restaurant kitchens are fast-paced workspaces with heavy foot traffic, and that's why most people experience falls, slips and spills there. If an employee slips in your restaurant kitchen and decides to sue you in court, you won't escape a hefty compensation settlement, and this would affect your profits and business image in a big way.

However, if you install an epoxy floor in your commercial kitchen, you could add coarse grit, sand or paint flakes to the flooring to create additional traction and minimise slips. This means your employees won't slip when moving over the spills and you won't have compensation lawsuits to handle.

Hygiene Levels Would Go Up

A dirty restaurant kitchen can send away all the customers you once worked hard to attract. Some customers become regular consumers in a restaurant based on the hygiene levels it maintains. The flooring in your restaurant kitchen can highly influence how hygienic your restaurant is. If you choose epoxy flooring, keeping germs and bacteria at bay won't be a daunting task for you. Epoxy doesn't have pores or gaps where the bacteria or germs could hide, making epoxy flooring an excellent hygienic option. An epoxy floor is easier to sanitise or disinfect, minimising the spread of food-borne diseases in the restaurant.

Rebranding your restaurant business doesn't have to break the bank or involve too many things. Just choose epoxy flooring for its kitchen and get the ball rolling. Consult some of the competent paving contractors you know to help you choose and install an epoxy floor that won't wear or get damaged easily.

To learn more, contact a company that installs epoxy flooring.


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The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Paved surfaces, such as parking lots, driveways, walkways, and patios are an integral part of modern landscapes. Besides serving as functional spaces, these hard surfaces also draw visual interest to the exterior environment of a property. With the huge selection of paving materials available in the construction market, we figured it’d be nice to create quality content that people can rely on to make informed choices for their properties. In this website, you’ll come across information on a wide range of pavement types and materials, the price you should expect to pay for your paving installation, the maintenance and repair needs of each pavement type, and more. While we do our best to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about paving, we advise that you schedule a consultation with a professional paving contractor before embarking on your project.
