The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

3 Considerations When Installing Paved Surfaces for Commercial Parking Lots

by Jimmy Soto

Several factors should be considered when installing asphalt or concrete pavement in areas such as a car park. The most common things to consider are drainage, traffic loading and vehicle weight, among others. Ensure that you get an experienced contractor to install the paving because you want a car park to last for years with little maintenance.

This guide highlights how to achieve good concrete or asphalt parking lot surface.


Water is the most common problem with paved surfaces such as parking lots. It is recommended that installation of paved surfaces, such as asphalt or concrete, be done in dry months to avoid moisture damage. Excessive moisture can cause concrete or asphalt to deform during installation and form cracks. Besides, when constructing parking lots, ensure that the pavement has a slope or gradient to allow for proper drainage. Good drainage enables stormwater to run off as opposed to pooling on a paved surface, which can reduce the lifespan of the surface. In addition, install pavers slightly higher in areas with drains to reduce ponding of water.

Site Preparation  

Before installing car park pavers, you need to achieve a solid subgrade foundation to support the pavement. A weak foundation can reduce the lifespan of a parking lot and lead to costly maintenance. Moreover, if you live in an area with cold temperatures, then subgrade soils might need special attention to prevent frosting. Therefore, excavation helps to remove waste and replace it with desirable soils that have good drainage and resistance to frost. The subgrade soil should be strong enough to withstand the weight of all kinds of vehicles and heavy traffic. A vibratory plate compactor is useful in compacting the subgrade soil to the desired density.

Traffic Loading

Before you install a pavement in a commercial parking lot, you need to determine the type of vehicles that will be using the facility. Will the parking area be used by heavy commercial vehicles with multiple axles or small trucks and cars? If you are constructing a parking lot for heavy commercial vehicles, you need a pavement with thick layers that can tolerate the excessive weight of such vehicles. The reverse is true for parking lots meant for smaller vehicles. If you do not consider traffic loading, you might end up with a weak paved surface that will deform under the weight of vehicles. Furthermore, traffic loading helps a contractor to determine the type of aggregates (concrete or asphalt mixture) to use and the correct ratio for a long-lasting pavement.


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The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Paved surfaces, such as parking lots, driveways, walkways, and patios are an integral part of modern landscapes. Besides serving as functional spaces, these hard surfaces also draw visual interest to the exterior environment of a property. With the huge selection of paving materials available in the construction market, we figured it’d be nice to create quality content that people can rely on to make informed choices for their properties. In this website, you’ll come across information on a wide range of pavement types and materials, the price you should expect to pay for your paving installation, the maintenance and repair needs of each pavement type, and more. While we do our best to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about paving, we advise that you schedule a consultation with a professional paving contractor before embarking on your project.
