The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Preparation Tips During Pothole Repairs

by Jimmy Soto

A well-maintained asphalt driveway can last many years, and that is why paving contractors recommend it to homeowners. However, it is nearly impossible to rule out potholes during a driveway's service life. For instance, the condition of an asphalt driveway might be affected by weather conditions, which are beyond your control. Therefore, it is crucial to repair a pothole immediately it begins to form. That said, quality pothole repair hinges on the quality of preparation. This article highlights preparation tips for pothole repairs.

Mark the Areas Around a Pothole

The first step when preparing for asphalt driveway repairs is marking the area around a pothole. It is essential because it helps you to estimate how much of the damaged asphalt needs to be removed. Most importantly, there should be several centimetres of space between the edge of a pothole and a chalk/paint line. The reason is that there could be underlying weak points such as cracks beyond a pothole. Therefore, merely filling a pothole does not address the weak points, which might render repair work ineffective. For this reason, removing asphalt beyond a pothole edge ensures that you address any underlying issues. It guarantees quality pothole repairs that stand the test of time.

Dry a Pothole 

Once you have removed unwanted asphalt, dirt and debris around a pothole, it is time to dry the hole. The second stage might seem strange to most people, mainly because potholes appear dry. However, that is not the case because any opening on an asphalt driveway might allow moisture and water to penetrate. If you fill a pothole without drying the bottom and sides, the repairs will not last. For this reason, ensure that you blow heat around the insides of a pothole. It will remove unwanted moisture that might affect asphalt compaction and adherence.

Apply Tack Coat 

Adherence of the new asphalt to a prepared pothole is crucial for durability of repairs. Unfortunately, some people believe that new asphalt adheres easily since the edges and bottom of a pothole are rough; however, this is not true. Unlike paint which adheres well to any rough surface, asphalt is highly viscous and needs help to adhere adequately. Applying a tack coat to the bottom and edges of a well-cleaned pothole will significantly improve adhesion between new asphalt and the surface of a pothole. The best part about applying a tack layer is that it is straightforward.

Contact a company like Australian Asphalt [QLD] Pty Ltd to learn more.


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The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Paved surfaces, such as parking lots, driveways, walkways, and patios are an integral part of modern landscapes. Besides serving as functional spaces, these hard surfaces also draw visual interest to the exterior environment of a property. With the huge selection of paving materials available in the construction market, we figured it’d be nice to create quality content that people can rely on to make informed choices for their properties. In this website, you’ll come across information on a wide range of pavement types and materials, the price you should expect to pay for your paving installation, the maintenance and repair needs of each pavement type, and more. While we do our best to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about paving, we advise that you schedule a consultation with a professional paving contractor before embarking on your project.
