The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Three Indispensable Precautions for Residential Cement Rendering

by Jimmy Soto

The process of rendering exterior walls using cement can be challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, if you are interested in this undertaking to improve the aesthetics of your home or protect your structure from the elements, you should choose a good contractor for the work. This will ensure that the performance of the cement render is exceptional. However, if you have time and some know-how on building maintenance, you might be able to handle the task without expert help. Here are some guidelines for avoiding common mistakes during residential cement rendering. 

Remove Old Coatings

The adhesion of the cement render will be compromised if the wall is covered by other materials. This could cause premature failure of the covering. Therefore, you should plan on cleaning the surfaces that you intend to render. In general, you can utilise a wire brush to eliminate old paint and other substances. You should also plan on eliminating old plaster and loose mortar from the structure. When handling this work, consider covering the ground around the walls to minimise clean-up demands. In addition, use protective gear such as safety goggles and gloves.

Consider a Dash Coat

There are some surfaces which will not readily bond with cement render. In simple terms, if your walls are smooth and have a dense intrinsic structure, the render might not stick as expected. Therefore, you should plan on using a dash coat. This is a special preparation made using cement and water. When it is applied on the wall, it acts as a primer. Consequently, it will be easier for the render to stick and last longer. If your walls are built using a highly absorbent material such as sandstone, consider soaking the surfaces to prevent premature drying of the cement render.

Choose Your Finish

It is important to choose the best finish for your cement render after application. The type of finish will determine the level of wall appeal. In general, you should think about the specific quality of the rendering material used before electing a finishing technique. For instance, if you opted for a pre-mixed product, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations. On the other hand, if your render was completely customised, you can personalise the surface. The most popular option for homes is a trowel finish which has a smooth and dense appearance. If you would like more visual interest, consider textured, roughcast, sponge or patterned finishes.

If you have uncertainties about any part of the process, you should consult a qualified cement rendering service for advice. 


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The Ultimate Paving Guide for You

Paved surfaces, such as parking lots, driveways, walkways, and patios are an integral part of modern landscapes. Besides serving as functional spaces, these hard surfaces also draw visual interest to the exterior environment of a property. With the huge selection of paving materials available in the construction market, we figured it’d be nice to create quality content that people can rely on to make informed choices for their properties. In this website, you’ll come across information on a wide range of pavement types and materials, the price you should expect to pay for your paving installation, the maintenance and repair needs of each pavement type, and more. While we do our best to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about paving, we advise that you schedule a consultation with a professional paving contractor before embarking on your project.
